How Customers Interact With Top Retailers, January 2014 [CHART]

Chart - How Customers Interact With Top Retailers

Aside from ranking top retailers by customer satisfaction, the latest ForeSee holiday retail report takes a look at the different ways in which customers interacted with the various retailers they purchased from. The results indicate that some newer touch points have yet to catch on much with consumers: respondents were more likely to have viewed a company’s catalog (17%) than to have interacted with the company via social media (3%), for example.

The survey (conducted between Thanksgiving and Christmas) asked respondents to identify all of the ways in which they personally interacted with the retailer in question during the previous 3 months. So it’s important to note that it does not necessarily reflect interactions during the holiday season, but might instead be a more accurate reflection of general interaction methods. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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