Global Marketing Budget Trends, October 2011 – December 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Global Marketing Budget Trends

Global marketers are as optimistic regarding their budgets as they’ve been in at least a couple of years, finds Warc in its latest Global Marketing Index (GMI). This month, the budget component of the index recorded a value of 57.3, its highest value since the index’s inception in October 2011. By comparison, this time last year, the budget component of the index stood at 47.2, while the year before that, it was at just 45. (A score above 50 indicates a generally improving environment, while a score below 50 indicates a generally declining environment.)

While marketers in the Americas have generally had the highest levels of budget optimism, this month European marketers appear to be most ready to spend more, with their index score of 58.7 their highest reading on record. Marketing budgets are also expected to increase in both the Asia-Pacific region (55.2) and the Americas (56.4), although the latter retreated slightly after a big jump last month. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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