US Parents Who Plan To Give Their Children eBook Capable Devices As Gifts, 2012 vs 2013 [CHART]

Chart - US Parents Who Plan To Give Their Children eBook Capable Devices As Gifts

Nearly half of US parents will be wrapping ereading devices this holiday season, according to an October 2013 study by PlayCollective with Digital Book World. Polling found that 46% of US adults with children ages 2 to 13 who read ebooks planned to purchase a device on which their children could consume such content. And the majority of those ereaders would belong primarily to the recipient, meaning those children would have constant access to their ereading device.

Ereading-related gift-giving doesn’t stop there. PlayCollective determined that almost three-quarters of parents surveyed intended to give their children ebooks to use with their ereaders this holiday season. This was 7 percentage points higher than parents who planned to make such a purchase last year, when just two-thirds said their children would receive ebooks. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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