US Apparel & Accessories eCommerce Metrics By Device, Q3 2012 & Q3 2013 [TABLE]

Table - US Apparel & Accessories eCommerce Metrics By Device

Tablets are becoming more commonplace in the hands of US consumers and their use more evident when examining digital shopping behaviors. In 2012, tablets for the first time were responsible for a majority of US retail mcommerce sales, and that share will expand further in the coming years, eMarketer predicts. Now, as tablet adoption widens, retailers and brands across an expanding spectrum of product categories, including apparel, are beginning to pay closer attention to the presence of those devices in the overall ecommerce ecosystem, according to a new eMarketer report, “Tablets and Apparel: Fashioning a Role in Mobile Commerce.”

In the apparel category, mobile doesn’t create as much sales revenue as desktop, but it’s growing faster by far, according to MarketLive research comparing the third quarters of 2012 and 2013. While smartphones drove a greater percentage of traffic than tablets did in both quarters, tablets were responsible for more than triple the revenue. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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