Social Sharing Destination Preferences, Q3 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Social Sharing Destination Preferences

About 20% of content shared to social networks was shared to Pinterest during Q3, up from 16% in Q2, according to an analysis of client data from Gigya. While Facebook remained the leading destination with a plurality 41% of shares, that was down from 50% in Q2, as Pinterest and Twitter both demonstrated strong growth, with the latter increasing its percentage of shares from 24% to 30%. The data reveals that there continue to be significant disparities when sorting by content type, with Pinterest extending its lead over Facebook in the e-commerce space.

During the 3rd quarter, Pinterest was the destination for 44% of e-commerce site and application shares, up from 41% during the prior quarter. Facebook stood pat at 37% share, with Pinterest’s growth coming at the expense of Twitter, which fell from 17% of shares in Q2 to 12% in Q3. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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