Traditional TV Viewing Trends Among 18-24 Year Olds, Q1 2011-Q3 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Traditional TV Viewing Trends Among 18-24 Year Olds

[Editor’s Note: This is the latest quarterly update to this article, this time containing Q3 2013 data and trend analysis.] There’s a strong perception that with the rise of all things digital, youth have turned away from TV – with this collective shrug taken as a sign of TV’s impending death. An analysis of more than 2 years of data, including figures from Nielsen’s latest quarterly cross-platform report, indicates that while youth are indeed watching less TV, it’s not yet as precipitous a decline as one might be led to believe.

Nielsen’s most recent study indicates that the 18-24 group watched a weekly average of roughly 21-and-three-quarter hours of traditional TV during Q3 2013, about a quarter-hour less than they did a year earlier. That equates to 2 minutes less per day. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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