B2B Marketers & Content Marketing Measurement, December 2013 [CHART]

Chart - B2B Marketers & Content Marketing Measurement

Only 23% of B2B marketers rate their company as strong (top-2 box on a 5-point scale) at measuring the ROI from content marketing, according to the 2013 Lenskold Group/Pedowitz Group Lead Gen Marketing Effectiveness Study. That’s an even greater percentage than believe their company is good at measuring other financial results from content marketing, including incremental revenue (21%), lift in revenue per sale (17%) and lift in post-purchase retention or loyalty (16%). Respondents are more adept at measuring engagement outcomes, though.

Overall, about three-quarters regularly measure content views (impressions, clicks downloads, etc.) and content requests (complete a form), while close to two-thirds measure responses and inquiries for products and services (contact forms). A majority regularly track sales conversions (58%) and participation in content consumption (56%), although fewer (43%) are measuring content sharing (like, shares, comments, etc.). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
