Time Of The Year When Holiday Promotions Will Run, 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Time Of The Year When Holiday Promotions Will Run

Consumers seem to have the impression that marketers are constantly expanding the holiday shopping season. But is that notion actually accurate? According to a survey of chief marketing officers (CMOs) in the US conducted in October 2013 by BDO USA, only 13% of respondents planned to begin holiday promotions in 2013 earlier than they had the previous year. The hesitancy of marketers to expand the holiday shopping season may be due to concerns about a backlash against “holiday creep.”

Respondents indicated that they did not suffer from Black Friday and Cyber Monday tunnel vision in planning their promotions. Half of those polled said they would spread most of their promotions across the holiday shopping season, while only 13% said they would focus the majority of them on Black Friday and the following weekend. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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