Pinterest As A Social Commerce Platform, November 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Pinterest As A Social Commerce Platform

Half of product orders driven by Pinterest occur at least 2-and-a-half months after the product has first been pinned, and half of visits happen at least 3-and-a-half months after first pinning, says Piqora in a recent study, signaling “strong latent demand for products” that are pinned on the platform. The results add to a growing body of research on the shelf lives of actions taken on various social media platforms, with half-lives seen longer for Tumblr posts and YouTube videos, for example, than for Facebook posts.

The Piquora study – based on an analysis of 1,000 brands on Pinterest between February 1 and October 1, 2013 – also found that the average sales amount attributed to a pin has grown by 25% since Q4 2012. While the average pin is said to generate $0.78 in sales, it’s far more important to look at the trend than the actual figure, as that amount likely differs wildly by brand and sector. (The same caution applies to the valuation Syncapse put on a Facebook fan – of $174.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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