Buyers' Expectations & Experiences When Inquiring Online, October 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Buyers' Expectations & Experiences When Inquiring Online

When inquiring about a product or service, only 6% of all potential buyers submit online inquiries to a single company, with a significant majority submitting inquiries to 3 or more companies. That’s according to a new study from Velocify and PossibleNOW, which commissioned Zogby Analytics to conduct an online survey of more than 1,000 adults in the US who had submitted an online form requesting information or expressing interest in a product or service with a value of $1,000 or more. The results suggest that the first company to respond holds the advantage.

The survey split participants into those who submitted online inquiries (through contact forms) on behalf of a business – roughly one-third of the sample – and those who submitted inquiries for personal products or services. The inquiries tended to be for categories such as automotive (22%), insurance (17%), leisure/hospitality (13%) and technology (17%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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