Channels Use To Recommend Products & Services, October 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Channels Use To Recommend Products & Services

Among consumers who sometimes or always recommend brands to others, sharing information face-to-face (80%) remains by far the most popular method of doing so, far ahead of email (51%) and social networks (39%), per results from a study. Still, recommendations appear to be slowly moving online: the proportion using face-to-face conversations has gradually while those using social networks have edged up by 4% points since 2010. One group appears to be leading the charge.

The study identifies a subset of consumers dubbed “WOM Champions” – those who are highly likely to recommend their favorite brands and who are also well-connected and communicative – comprising 28% of the general population. Among WOM Champions who are also loyalty program members, 60% are using social networking platforms to discuss products and services, up from 48% in 2010. Half also use mobile messaging to discuss brands. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
