Most Disruptive External Forces According To C-Suite, October 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Most Disruptive External Forces According To C-Suite

For the second year running, the CEOs around the world rank technology factors as the most important external force shaping the future of their enterprises, according to results from an IBM survey of more than 4,000 C-suite executives around the world. Interestingly, though, CEOs are alone in that view: CIOs, CMOs and CSCOs each believe that market factors will exert the greatest amount of external pressure, while CFOs (somewhat predictably) point to macro-economic factors first and CHROs to people skills.

While the C-suite disagrees on what is the top external factor affecting the future of the enterprise, there is more consensus when expanding the list to the top 3. That is, technology factors made it into the top 3 external forces for each group of respondents, as did market factors.

Significantly, CIOs and CMOs appear to be aligned in this regard, ranking the top 4 factors exactly the same way. That’s an encouraging result given recent research findings that indicate some relationship struggles between the two executive groups. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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