Social Login Market Share, Q1 2012 – Q3 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Social Login Market Share

The top-level social login landscape in Q3 was relatively unchanged from the prior quarter, with some of the smaller players making slight inroads, finds Janrain in newly-released data. Facebook’s leading share slipped a point to 45%, a figure now 9% points lower than its majority share in Q3 2012. Google was unable to take advantage, though, as it also slipped a point to 33% share among online users who opted to use a social network identity to speed up registration on sites across the web.

The smaller players picked up the slack, with Yahoo’s share up 0.5% points to 7.1%, followed by Twitter (up 0.8% points to 6.5%), LinkedIn (up 0.4% points to 2.4%), and Microsoft (up 0.7% points to 1.9%). The share of logins held by the aggregate of all others inched up 0.3% points to 4.2%. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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