Cable TV Subscriber Attitudes, September 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Cable TV Subscriber Attitudes

The number of TV cord-cutters has been rising more quickly than expected of late, but represented only about 1% of pay-TV subscribers last year, per recent research. Now, new survey data from Altman Vilandrie & Company indicates that while 40% of subscribers aged under 35 have “seriously considered” dropping cable TV service, less than 5% of respondents overall watch online video regularly instead of subscribing to a service.

As prior research has found, cost was the main reason for non-subscribers to have canceled their service, rather than a feeling that online video would provide a complete substitute. For those sticking to their cable TV services, the main reasons are the desire to watch live news (75%), new TV shows (66%) and live sports (59%), indicating again that while cost drives cord-cutting, content dulls the knife. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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