Select Content Types Women Consume Online By Platform, March 2013 [TABLE]

Table - Select Content Types Women Consume Online By Platform

Looking at the gender breakdown of online usage in March 2013, Jumptap and comScore found that sports was one of the most common types of content accessed across platforms among 25- to 49-year-old men. Time spent with internet sports content reached over 2 hours on average that month on each of the major devices studied—the PC, smartphone and tablet. Men also accessed online business content for equal periods of time on the PC and smartphone (1.2 hours each), while the tablet accounted for 17.2% of men’s time spent with this online category.

The study also measured the amount of time women spent on select content activities, and found that the tablet was in especially heavy rotation for lifestyles, retail and parenting content. Female respondents spent more than 5 hours on average accessing each of these content areas on the tablet, with the smartphone in second place for each subject matter, and the PC further behind. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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