Global Bot Traffic, Q3 2012 – Q2 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Global Bot Traffic

Bot traffic continues to be a global problem, says Solve Media in its latest Bot Traffic Market Advisory update. In Q2, activity deemed “suspicious” grew to 49% of all traffic for the web advertising ecosystem, up from 43% in Q1, 40% in Q4 2012 and 26% in Q3. Confirmed bot traffic was in the range of 24-29%, fairly consistent with prior quarters, but still up significantly from 10% in Q3 2012. Suspicious mobile traffic, while not quite on the same level as the web, is also on the rise.

During Q2, suspicious activity grew from 29% to 35% for mobile advertising, with confirmed bot traffic in the 11-14% range.

The US’ level of suspicious web activity was slightly below the global average, at 42%, with suspicious mobile activity also below-average at 22%. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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