Variety Of Channels Watched By TV Viewers, September 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Variety Of Channels Watched By TV Viewers

Almost 9 in 10 TV viewers say they watch the same channels over and over again, finds a recent DigitalSmiths survey of adult viewers in the US and Canada. Given consumers’ stated interest in à la carte options and continued grumblings about the cost of pay-TV services, it’s interesting to see just how many channels TV viewers are watching on a regular basis. According to the DigitalSmiths report, among those viewers who stick to the same channels on a regular basis, 78.9% typically watch 10 channels or fewer.

How do those survey-based figures compare to actual data from a multi-channel service provider? Recent study results from Visible World using data shared by an unnamed provider indicate that the service’s heaviest TV viewers (top quintile) watch an average of 27 unique channels per day. That drops to 17 for the second quintile, 12 for the 3rd quintile, 8 for the 4th quintile, and 4 for the lightest viewers. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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