Facebook Brand Post Timing & Engagement, August 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Facebook Brand Post Timing & Engagement

Brands are less likely to post on Facebook on the weekend, and that seems like it might be a good decision, according to new study from Socialbakers, which is based on an analysis of almost 2.9 million Facebook posts from 23,000 brand pages over a 2-month period. The researchers looked at the percentage of posts that were created on each day of the week, then looked at each day’s “engagement rate potential.”

Here’s how the researchers determined engagement rate potential (contrary to some press reports, the figures do not reflect actual engagement rates):

Socialbakers first looked at the 4,000 most engaging posts from the analyzed sample. Then, to calculate Monday’s engagement rate potential, for example, they calculated the number of those top posts that were created on a Monday and then divided that number by the total number of posts published on Mondays. They repeated that calculation for each day of the week, and then made the resulting percentages relative to each other. (In so doing, they controlled for the variances in number of posts created on each day of the week.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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