Pay TV Viewing By Daypart, August 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Pay TV Viewing By Daypart

Visible World has released a white paper [PDF] that examines cable TV subscriber behavior for one (unnamed) operator. While the study is about the effectiveness of cross-channel marketing (such as whether ads for triple play are being shown to subscribers already with the bundle), the glimpse that it provides behind the curtain of a top-tier multiple system operator (MSO) results in some intriguing insights into subscriber behavior.

It should be noted off the bat that these figures apply to only one MSO, so they should not be interpreted as applicable to the entire TV viewing population. Nevertheless, the study notes that this is a “top-tier” MSO, and the volume of data analyzed (18-24 months of detailed information spanning more than 13 million subscriber records and over 10 billion viewing records) gives the results some heft. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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