Marketers’ Main Problems Calculating ROI, August 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Marketers’ Main Problems Calculating ROI

3 in 4 marketers from around the world report problems or challenges when trying to calculate ROI, finds Teradata in new survey results. The study, which looks at data-driven marketing opportunities and challenges, finds that most marketers believe that having access to the right data (something respondents are also finding challenging) would help them prove ROI. But troubles integrating and managing data are high on the list of roadblocks to calculating ROI.

The most frequently cited problem (among those identified) by marketers in calculating ROI is connecting marketing activities to specific earnings generated, a challenge cited by 44% of respondents. In fact, twice as many marketers have trouble connecting their activities to earnings generated than to specific spending (22%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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