Top Retail Website Load Times, July 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Top Retail Website Load Times

The median load time for home pages of the top 500 US retail websites (as ranked by Alexa) continues to slow down, climbing to 7.72 seconds during the Summer from 7.65 seconds in the Spring of this year, and far above the ideal load time of less than 3 seconds, per results from Radware’s latest E-Commerce Page Speed and Web Performance study. The report also introduces a new metric – “Time to Interact” (TTI) – which analyzes the “point at which a page displays its primary interactive content.”

That content could include feature banners with functional call-to-action buttons, for example. TTI is a key gauge of how quickly a page can deliver a satisfactory user experience, according to the researchers, as well as how rapidly the page can accomplish the site owner’s goals. Read the rest at MarketingChats.

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