Multitainment Activity, July 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Multitainment Activity

TV viewers frequently multitask, and while multitasking activities are varied, they often involve a second screen. One of the central questions surrounding multi-screening involves the extent to which the second screen is used for a TV-related activity as opposed to a non-related activity. And although study results indicate that multi-screen behavior most often involves unrelated activities, new data from the Council for Research Excellence (CRE) [PDF] suggests that screen size may play a big role.

The CRE surveyed Americans aged 15-64 who have broadband internet access at home and watch at least 5 hours of TV per week, narrowing the field down to those who own mobile devices and watch TV on them (“mobile TV viewers”). This group comprised more than 3,000 respondents and roughly 230,000 viewing occasions. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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