Top Social Video Verticals By Share Of Voice, Q2 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Top Social Video Verticals By Share Of Voice

The number of branded video shares grew by 7% quarter-over-quarter in Q2 to exceed 33 million, according to results from the second quarterly social video report from Unruly. It was a top-heavy affair in Q2: the top 10 videos represented 45% of all sharing activity, and the top 2 categories dominated to the tune of more than 60% of all shares. Those top categories were once again entertainment and FMCG, each increasing its share from Q1.

Entertainment videos (which include movie, videogame and TV trailers, but exclude music videos) accounted for about one-third of all shares, up from 28.7% in Q1, as total entertainment video sharing volume increased by 12%. The top ads in the vertical were Warner Bros.’ “Man of Steel Trailer” (3.4% of total Q2 shares; 4th-most shared video) and Universal’s “Fast & Furious 6 Trailer” (1.4% of total shares; 10th-most shared). Given that the top 2 entertainment videos together generated less than 5% of total shares, one can surmise that sharing of entertainment content was diffused among several brands and videos, rather than primarily spurred by heavy sharing of a couple of top videos. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
