American adults who own smart phones just can’t seem to separate themselves from their devices, according to an online survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Jumio. Results indicate that 72% of smartphone owners are within 5 feet of their devices the majority of the time, another data point to add to a growing list that includes 3 in 4 young smartphone owners checking their devices as soon as they wake up and 40% checking them every 10 minutes.
So maybe it’s not such a surprise that 55% of smartphone-toting adults say they use them while driving, 35% while in a movie theater, and 33% while on a dinner date, per the Jumio survey. There’s even the (on-the-way-to-becoming-obligatory) reference to smartphone use during sex, a claim made by 9% of the respondents and 20% of those aged 18-34. About 1 in 8 respondents say they use their smartphones in the shower, perhaps as a result of watching Samsung’s “Whatever-Proof” TV ad? Read the rest at MarketingCharts.
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