Social Influencer Dynamics, July 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Social Influencer Dynamics

SocialTwist has released the results of a study that spanned 18 months, 119 social marketing campaigns, and 3.2 million participating consumers. Designed to see how consumers interacted with its social referral program and progressed to becoming advocates, the SocialTwist study unearths a few interesting results with potentially broad implications. Perhaps the most interesting of those is that among the consumers who became advocates (by referring products or services to friends), a majority 55.4% chose to use email as their sharing channel, with Facebook following (41.8%) and Twitter (2.6%) mostly ignored.

The analysis covered campaigns from leading brands such as Western Union, Sara Lee and Kimberly Clark. The report shows that the brands reached roughly 3.2 million consumers running their campaigns that delivered deals and incentives, and that 19% of the social followers became advocates when encouraged via referral marketing programs. The amplification effect of the programs was quite impressive: those 19% who became followers (and numbered around 600,000) then referred products and services to more than 9 million social connections, boosting reach by 15 times. With 3% of those connections then becoming new customers, the end result was that the brands picked up close to an additional 10% of new customers from their initial 3.2 million. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
