Google+ vs. Facebook Social Shares, May 2013 – June 2016 [CHART]

Chart - Google+ vs. Facebook Social Shares

new study from Searchmetrics reveals that sharing of online content by Facebook users far exceeds sharing by Google+ users, but offers the aggressive prediction that by February 2016, Google+ shares could take the lead. That assessment is based on a comparison of growth rates between November 2012 and April 2013, during which time the number of Facebook shares grew by about 9.5% per month, while Google+ shares grew by roughly 18.5% per month.

Extrapolating those growth rates out results in the prediction that Google+ shares would overtake Facebook shares by February 2016, at which point Google+ would be generating almost 1,100 billion shares (plus ones) per month compared to Facebook’s 849 billion. As of April 2013, the number of shares for Facebook exceeded 29 billion compared to slightly more than 2 billion for Google+. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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