US LGBT Mobile Travel Planners, May 2013 [TABLE]

Table - US LGBT Mobile Travel Planners

Community Marketing, Inc.’s “2012 LGBT Community Survey: US Overview Report 6th Annual Edition” reported that smartphone penetration among gay and lesbian web users reached record heights in 2012, at 91% and 82%, respectively, with approximately two out of five gay and lesbian consumers purchasing a smartphone last year. In addition, about 30% of respondents to Community Marketing’s survey said they purchased major vacations in 2012, representing the second-largest purchase category behind smartphones. Further highlighting gay and lesbian uptake of mobile, about one in five consumers in each subdemographic purchased a tablet in 2012.

Tying these two trends together, Digitas’ “LGBT Leading the Mobile Era” report from May 2013 found that US LGBT smartphone users looked to their devices regularly to plan personal vacations. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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