Millennials' Attitudes Toward Shopping By Gender, May 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Millennials' Attitudes Toward Shopping By Gender

Millennial (18-35) women are 52% more likely than their male counterparts to agree that they “love to shop” (44% vs. 29%), per results [PDF] from an Urban Land Institute (ULI) survey conducted with Lachman Associates. While young men are more likely than young women to say that shopping is a necessary chore that they can deal with (15% vs. 9%), they’re also more likely to say they shop when it’s necessary, and enjoy it when they do (51% vs. 45%). Overall, the study indicates that America’s youth enjoy shopping on the whole, which might explain why they’re more likely than other generations to identify as “spenders” rather than “savers.”

According to the ULI survey, both Hispanics (44%) and Blacks (55%) are more likely than the average Millennial (37%) to say that they “love to shop.”

“Shopping centers can rest easy,” conclude the researchers, noting that that 64% of respondents go to enclosed malls at least once a month. Asked their 3 favorite aspects of their most-visited enclosed malls, Millennials pointed to the range of options for finding things they want or need (53%), the opportunity to get out provided by a mall (42%), and stores offering styles they like (37%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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