Teens' Concern Over Third-Party Access To Facebook Data, 2012 [TABLE]

Table - Teens' Concern Over Third-Party Access To Facebook Data

40% of teen social media users say they are “very” or “somewhat” concerned that some of the information they share on social networking sites might be accessed by third parties like advertisers or businesses without their knowledge. However, few teens report a high level of concern; 31% say that they are “somewhat” concerned, while just 9% say that they are “very” concerned. Another 60% in total report that they are “not too” concerned (38%) or “not at all” concerned (22%). Younger teen social media users ages 12-13 are considerably more likely than older teens (14-17) to say that they are “very concerned” about third party access to the information they share (17% vs. 6%). Girls and boys report the same levels of concern. Read the rest at Pew Internet and American Life Project.

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