Brand Response Rates On Twitter, Q2 2012-Q1 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Brand Response Rates On Twitter

Socialbakers has released its latest “Socially Devoted” figures for Q1, and the results are a mixed bag. On the one hand, the average response rate grew 6% points quarter-over-quarter to 38%, after only improving by 4% points in the preceding 6 months. But on the other hand, that means that significantly fewer than half of questions posted to brands’ Twitter profiles were answered. What’s more, the average response time increased by 10%, from 6 hours in Q4 2012 to more than 6-and-a-half hours in Q1.

The trend certainly appears to be moving in the wrong direction: in Q3 2012, the average response time was 5.1 hours. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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