Global Bot Traffic, Q3 2012 – Q1 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Global Bot Traffic

Bot traffic is up again in Q1, even after a spike in Q4, says Solve Media in its latest Bot Traffic Market Advisory update. In Q1, 29% of web traffic was the result of bot traffic, up from 25% in Q4 and 10% in Q3. Activity deemed “suspicious” grew to 43% of all web traffic, from 40% in Q4 and 26% in Q3. That means that more “suspicious” activity is being confirmed as bots with each passing quarter. The researchers reveal that mobile bot traffic, while not quite on the same level as the web, is also on the rise, and could waste close to $1 billion dollars of advertising budgets this year.

In Q1, 29% of mobile traffic acted suspiciously, and 14% was confirmed as bots. On a geographic basis, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates saw the highest levels of suspicious mobile activity, reaching 71% and 67%, respectively.

The US’ levels of suspicious web activity were right around the global average, at 44%, although levels of suspicious mobile activity were below-average, at 19%. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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