American Mobile Buyers By Device, 2011-2017 [TABLE]

Table - American Mobile Buyers By Device

Increased spending comes as smart phones and tablets have become commonplace devices for shopping and buying online. In 2013, 79.4 million US consumers, amounting to 51% of digital buyers, will purchase online using a mobile device. By 2017, 77.1% of digital buyers in the US will use a mobile device to make at least one online purchase.

Tablet users have the greater presence among digital buyers. Having a tablet almost guarantees that the person uses it for eCommerce. By 2017, 78% of US tablet users will make purchases via the device. Furthermore, 69.6% of digital buyers in the US will be tablet buyers, while 49.9% will be smart phone buyers. Read the rest at eMarketer.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
