Retailers’ Mobile Price Comparison Policies, April 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Retailers’ Mobile Price Comparison Policies

So, while 14% of respondents this year report that their response to showrooming is simply to ignore it (double last year’s 7%), “laggards” (with comparable store/channel sales growth of less than 3%) are twice as likely as “winners” (with sales growth of more than 3%) to choose that response. Laggards are also 50% more likely to price match (24% vs. 16%).

Some of that disparity is due to winners simply not having had to deal with showrooming as much yet. According to the results, while only 27% of respondents overall report not having encountered showrooming yet (down from 43% in 2011), that figure rises to 34% among winners. By comparison, 29% of laggards haven’t yet encountered showrooming. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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