Top Local Markets For Digital Media Use, 2012 [TABLE]

Table - Top Local Markets For Digital Media Use

Scarborough Research has publicly released data [PDF] showing the top local markets for digital media usage last year. The research shows that use of the internet for social networking was highest in Austin and Seattle (62% of each market’s population in the 30 days prior to the survey), while New Orleans topped the charts for newspaper website access (40%), and Austin led the pack for smartphone internet use (57%) and online radio listening (32%). Interestingly, some markets showed up across most of the top 10 listings.

Austin was the only local market to break the top 10 for social networking, newspaper site access (31%), smartphone internet use, and online radio listening. Close behind, though, Atlanta cracked 3 of those top 10 lists, with strong rates of social networking use (60%), smartphone internet access (52%) and online radio listening (28%). Washington, DC made the same 3 lists, with social networking use at 59%, smartphone internet access at 52%, and online radio listening at 25% of the population. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
