How Brands Foster Consumer Connectedness, April 2013 [CHART]

Chart - How Brands Foster Consumer Connectedness

Americans just seem to love discounts. Asked what the brands they follow on social media do to make them want to stay connected to them, 70% of US respondents to an Ipsos OTX survey indicated that the brands send them coupons for product discounts or free products. That was the leading response among the actions identified, followed by brands having contests or requests for suggestions regarding their current or new products (55%).

Interestingly, older groups seemed to respond more to that second point regarding contests or requests for suggestions about products. While half of 18-34-year-olds said those actions on the part of brands help foster bonds with them, that percentage rose to 56% among the 35-49 group and 67% among 50-64-year-olds. That’s notable because earlier research has shown interest in co-creation of products to be high among Millennials. According to the Ipsos results, this may not be an area of interest only for youth. (A word of caution: the Ipsos results are based off small sample sizes.) Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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