Americans’ Favorite Media Activities By Generation, March 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Americans’ Favorite Media Activities By Generation

64% of Americans rank watching television (on any device) as one of their top-3 media activities, down from a high of 71% in 2009 and 2010 but enough to keep TV viewing as America’s favorite media activity, according to Deloitte. TV is tops for all generations except trailing Millennials (14-23), who prefer personal and social use of the internet as well as listening to music. The survey also reveals that for many trailing and leading (24-29) Millennials, video games are not only a top activity, but an important advertising influence.

In fact, trailing (39%) and leading (38%) Millennials are almost twice as likely as the average American aged 14 and older to rank video games as a top-3 media activity. Alongside that penchant for gaming, these consumers are also heavily swayed by advertising on video games: 41% of trailing Millennials and 38% of leading Millennials agree that advertising on video games (all forms of games) influence their buying decisions more than any other form of advertising. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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