Americans' Awareness Of News Industry’s Financial Woes, March 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Americans' Awareness Of News Industry’s Financial Woes

Newspaper ad revenues continue to sink, but few Americans seem to be noticing, according to survey results released by the Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism, as part of its “State of the News Media 2013″ study. Asked if they had heard about news organizations’ financial problems (not limited to newspapers), 36% of respondents said they had heard “nothing at all,” and an additional 24% said only “a little.” But a significant proportion have felt changes in the way news is reported.

In fact, fully 31% of respondents reported having stopped turning to a particular news outlet because they felt it was no longer providing them with the news and information they were accustomed to getting. And more than one-third of respondents who recognize that the industry is faced with financial problems linked those difficulties to the media’s ability to adequately cover local, national, or international news. Not surprisingly, those who made that link were more likely to report having abandoned an outlet than those who did not see the financial impact on reporting. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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