Primary Forms Of Payment To Retailers, March 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Primary Forms Of Payment To Retailers

While almost two-thirds of retailers report that credit cards (45%) and cash (19%) are their primary payment forms today, less than half believe that will be the case in 3 years, according to results from an RSR Research survey. Instead, fully 19% expect mobile or digital payments to be their primary payment form in 3 years time, a dramatic change from just 1% who report them to be their primary form this year.

Retailers are obviously expecting a lot to happen in the next 3 years, but recent studies suggest such as large shift isn’t yet happening. Figures released last month showed that while consumer awareness of digital wallets remain low, the number of credit card transactions – and the dollar value of those transactions – each grew by 8.7% in 2012. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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