Mobile Marketing Strategies, March 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Mobile Marketing Strategies

Just 1 in 4 “mainstream mobile” companies report having a well defined mobile strategy, according to a study from Econsultancy in association with Kontagent. The survey divided the 823 respondents with an active mobile program into a group defined as “mobile first” (who have a majority of customers/audience access their site via mobile devices, or have a primary revenue stream from mobile), comparing them with the remainder, the “mobile mainstream.”

Predictably, the “mobile first” group were much more likely to report having a well defined mobile strategy. Still, strategies are not ubiquitous at those companies either: despite having mobile be a key business influence, only 64% said they have a well-defined mobile strategy. Agency respondents to the survey tended to share the overall sentiment: 19% agreed with the statement that “most marketing organizations have a strategy around their mobile programs,” while 54% disagreed. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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