CMOs' Take On Their Company's Marketing Excellence, February 2013 [CHART]

Chart - CMOs' Take On Their Company's Marketing Excellence

About 6 in 10 CMOs rate their company’s marketing excellence as “strong” or better, while just 1 in 10 rate it as “weak” (8%) or “very weak” (2.3%), according to [PDF] the latest installment of The CMO Survey, conducted by Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. On a 7-point scale of excellence (with 7 being “excellent, one of the best in the world”), marketers gave their organizations a mean rating of 4.5, slightly up from 4.4 in the prior edition of the survey, released in August 2012.

That slight uptick may be related to their perception of marketing ROI. According to the study, CMOs on average said that marketing ROI had grown by 3.3% in the previous 12 months, inching up from 3.2% growth in the August 2012 study. ROI has generally grown since August 2010 (2.2%), peaking at 3.5% in the February 2012 survey. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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