Small Biz Owners Perceptions & Use Of Social Media, February 2013 [CHART]

Chart - Small Biz Owners Perceptions & Use Of Social Media

survey of small business owners by the Wall Street Journal and Vistage International has found that LinkedIn is not only the most commonly used social media tool by small businesses, but also the most positively perceived. Asked which social media tool had the greatest potential to help their firms, 41% of respondents chose LinkedIn, compared to 16% who pointed to YouTube, 14% to Facebook, and just 3% to Twitter. In fact, more CEOs chose LinkedIn than did Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+ and Pinterest combined.

Perceived potential does not seem to be a function of current usage, either. While Facebook was behind YouTube in terms of perceived usefulness, 22% of respondents said they regularly use Facebook, compared to 13% regularly using YouTube. Similarly, while just 3% said Twitter had the most potential to help them, it ranked as the 3rd most regularly used site (14%) behind Facebook (22%) and LinkedIn (30%). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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