Facebook’s Mobile Users, Q4 2010 – Q4 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Facebook’s Mobile Users

Facebook reported its Q4 earnings yesterday (news only to those living under a rock), and mobile is the resulting topic of conversation. Indeed, of the many interesting pieces of data contained in the release, one result highlighted by Facebook itself in its press release is that its mobile daily active users (DAUs) surpassed its web DAUs for the first time during Q4, though the release and accompanying slides did not provide exact figures for mobile DAUs. But the company provided data on mobile monthly active users, showing a 57% year-over-year rise in Q4. Along with that increase: mobile’s share of ad revenues jumped from 14% in Q3 to 23% in Q4, slightly above at least one prior estimate.

While that’s a dramatic quarter-over-quarter jump, it’s worth noting that mobile still occupies a minority share of Facebook’s revenues, despite contributing more daily active users. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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