Mobile Penetration In Developed Markets By Generation [CHART]

Chart - Mobile Penetration In Developed Markets By Generation

Smart phone penetration is high among younger consumers and drops significantly among their older counterparts, but that pattern is less pronounced when it comes to tablet adoption, at least in a selection of developed markets. That’s according to survey results from Deloitte released in December 2012. The study, which looked at smart device ownership across 8 developed markets, found 18-24-year-olds to be almost three times as likely as the 55+ group to own a smartphone (58% vs. 21%), but less than twice as likely to own a tablet (19% vs. 11%).

The Deloitte survey results mirror a trend seen in the US: an Online Publishers Association (OPA) study released in June found that the tablet user base in the US is getting older. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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