Time Spent Per Day With Mobile Web & Apps, H1 2012 [CHART]

Chart - Time Spent Per Day With Mobile Web & Apps

A study by Keynote Competitive Research from the first half of 2012 suggests that consumers might also spend more time per day with apps than they do with the mobile web. The study showed that most US smart phone users (60%) accessed the mobile web from their phone for less than an hour a day. Only 29% used it for more than an hour per day. Tablet users tended to use the web for longer periods of time—37% did so more than an hour per day.

When it comes to using mobile apps, though, the findings point to longer time spent. Forty-five percent of tablet and smart phone users used apps for less than an hour per day, while more than half (54%) used apps for more than an hour. This comes close to Flurry’s data, which suggested consumers on average used apps for a little more than two hours per day. Read the rest at eMarketer.

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