Multitainment: TV & Smart Device Multi-Tasking, November 2012 [TABLE]

Table - TV & Smart Device Multi-Tasking

Consumers aren’t just watching TV anymore. According to Nielsen’s latest cross-platform report, they’re watching TV and checking email on their tablets, visiting social networks on their smartphones, and shopping. While it’s important to keep in mind that this kind of multi-screen behavior is limited to mobile device owners (and smartphone and tablet ownership isn’t yet as ubiquitous as it might seem), it’s becoming clearer that TV viewing is taking place alongside other activities. Some of these could benefit TV advertisers.

To put some figures to the trend: According to Nielsen’s report covering Q2 connected device activity, 85% of tablet/smartphone owners use their device while watching TV at least once a month. 41% of tablet owners and 39% of smartphone owners do so daily. That latter percentage rises to nearly 50% among 18-24-year-olds. And from a GfK report [PDF], 41% of tablet owners’ total TV time is devoted to 2-screen viewing – that goes up to 46% among Millennials. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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