iPhone vs iPad Usage By Dayparts, November 2012 [CHART]

Chart - iPhone vs iPad Usage By Dayparts

Consumers use smartphones fairly steadily throughout the day, while tablet use rises sharply at night, finds the latest Jumptap MobileSTAT report. Measuring iPad and iPhone use by time of day, the study finds that both devices have below-hourly-average use from 8 AM to noon, although iPhone use during those hours is much closer to the average. Later, between 8PM and midnight, iPhone use is 52% above average and iPad use up a whopping 87%. In general, iPhone use hews closer to the average throughout the day than iPad use, which skews heavily towards the evening hours.

Flurry in October observed much the same phenomenon. Using smartphone and tablet application usage as a measure, the study found smartphone app usage to be fairly steady between 8AM and 7PM, used by between 4% and 6.5% of the smartphone user base. Tablet use is pretty flat, between 4% and 5% until 4pm, when it begins to rise sharply, peaking at about 8.25% in the 9PM hour (and in TV primetime). Smartphone usage peaks at the same time, but at under 7%. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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