US Smart Phone Market Penetration, September 2011-September 2012 [CHART]

Chart - US Smart Phone Market Penetration, September 2011-September 2012

More than half of US mobile device users now own a smart phone, according to the latest comScore MobiLens data. During the 3-month average ending in September 2012, 51% of the 234 million Americans aged 13 and older using a mobile device owned a smartphone (119.3 million). That’s the result of steady linear growth over the previous 12 months: in October 2011, 38.5% of the mobile market (or 90 million) owned a smart phone.

Android and Apple have been the chief beneficiaries of the growth in smart phone penetration over those 12 months. For example, in October 2011, Android and Apple devices combined to control 74.4% of the smart phone market (46.3% Android; 28.1% Apple). By September of this year, they collectively commanded 86.8% share of the market (52.5% Android; 34.3% Apple). The big loser, of course, has been RIM, which has seen its market share halve from 17.2% to 8.4% during that time period. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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