mCommerce Purchase Considerations, September 2012 [CHART]

Chart - mCommerce Purchase Considerations, September 2012

Price is a natural consideration when making a purchase via mobile, but security and item type are virtually as important to mobile shoppers, according to a Prosper Mobile Insights survey released in September 2012. When asked what factors they consider when deciding whether or not to purchase an item, 52.4% of the smart phone and tablet owners surveyed cited price, while 51.8% named the security of the site or application, and 50% the type of item.

Other key considerations for respondents included: the form of payment (e.g., credit/debit/other account – 47%); the reputation of the site or app (45.1%); and how easy the site/app is to use (41.8%). Only 14.3% of respondents said that they will never consider purchasing an item using a smartphone or tablet. Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

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