Top Inbound Marketing Activities For SEO [CHART]

Chart - Top Inbound Marketing Activities For SEO

76% of SEOs say they have spent time in the past year setting up and running a Facebook business page, making this the most common inbound marketing-focused action among respondents to an SEOmoz survey of almost 6,500 of its readers from around the world. 64% reported having set up a Google+ business profile, in a tie for the 4th most-common activity. Analytics and competitive analysis also figure prominently in the equation. 74% of the survey respondents analyzed and/or tracked site speed and page-load times, 69% analyzed competitors’ back-links for opportunities, and 64% analyzed competitors’ content for inspiration/opportunities.

Rounding out respondents’ top 10 most common activities in the past year are: analyzing data in Google Analytics (63%); starting a new blog or investing heavily in blogging (59%); using rel=”canonical” to control duplicate content (58%); employing conversion tracking to improve ROI (57%); and focusing on Local SEO (e.g., Google Places, local keyword targeting). Read the rest at MarketingCharts.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
