Types Of Online Videos Apparel Shoppers Consume [CHART]

Chart - Types Of Online Videos Apparel Shoppers Consume

One key driver is the trend of user-generated haul videos — in which bloggers post videos showing off their latest shopping purchases. Some of these bloggers, such as MacBarbie07, have gotten more than 100 million video views. Google says the volume of these videos are increasing on YouTube. Of the nearly 600,000 “haul” videos on YouTube, more than 35,000 were uploaded in the last month.

These online apparel shoppers can be motivated to make impulse buys, the study found. In describing why they made impulse purchases 73% said they received a good deal, 19% got free shipping, 19% said they like to wear the latest trends, 17% said they had a gift card, and 13% bought more to meet the threshold for free shipping. In general 34% of shoppers said they were encouraged to purchase after seeing an online video ad. Read the rest at Marketing Land.

The e-Strategy Academy covers all aspects of digital marketing including search optimization & marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, mobile marketing & public relations.
